Saturday, November 12, 2011

2.6 What i Read

when i was younger, i was the biggest fan of Fantasy Novels... 
at the moment the only books i read are LookBook and a couple alternative/indie fashion mags
i love the frankie, but its hard to get hold of in South Africa

I love old books. They have so much history. They kind of remind me of me. They have an old soul but yet  every time you them its as if the story was written yesterday.

Chantelle Rautenbach

I love fantasy novels. Anthing set in Ancient Greece, Egypt or Rome, and you have me. I'm such a sucker for these things... David Gemmell's ''Troy'' trilogy is a must!

This is only a few of my books. 
The ones on the right are my dads books from 
when he was younger - I think I've read each of them 3 times. 
One day when I'm big I'd really love to have a wall library in my house. 
A massive wall full of books. I think it's love. 
I'm such a nerd - but that would be amazing!


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